Friday, March 07, 2008


Allie loves to do some many things these days. I'm continually taken aback at how she is becoming such a "big gur" now instead of my tiny new baby. So here are just a few pictures from play time; Allie playing dress up (anyone regocnize the scarf?), coloring pictures for her sick Mimi, and playing the "panno".
There are no better days than these!!!
On a side note, mommy is playing a lot more piano these days too... I'll be opening up my very own musically ambient restaurant soon. I'm calling it, "Bring Your IPOD".


Amy said...

Whoo-hoo! I'm so excited you posted something new! LOL at your restaurant ... Coming-soon-to-a-town-near-you! Good thing Seering's is a state away or Jason might have to start looking for new employment. :) Allie is getting WAY too big; how can two years have passed already?! You're not looking too bad yourself, mama!

Jessica said...

Well, I had a little peer pressure :)