Friday, September 29, 2006

Wee Wee Hours of the Morning

Allie woke mommy at 4:00 this morning to let her know that the tinkle had escaped her nappy. So, this post is coming from the graveyard shift.

Yesterday Allie began to crawl as expected, hand over hand, knee in front of knee. She still throws in a donkey kick or two here and there. But she's a lot quicker now, so the gates are going up this weekend.

She also had another milestone...she became a Bible "patter"...almost. They teach the babies in Allie's cradle roll Bible class to "pat" the Bible. It's a way of teaching a love for God's word that is simple to grasp for babies. However, once Allie decided to pat the Bible like mommy, she began to bang on the book. Allie's "pat" is a veritable thrashing! Oh well, perhaps gentleness is a fruit of the Spirit coming soon.

The picture today is one of Little finger sucking around Grandmammas glasses chain... She doesn't want to suck on the glasses, only hold them while she enjoys her digits. She's also wearing the Pooh Bear hat from her Halloween costume. After a fitting, she didn't want to take it off. Go figure

And on that note, mommy goes back to bed. Snore.....................

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