Monday, September 18, 2006

Origional Recipe or Extra Crispy?

Yesterday, a Sunday, was the first time Allie sat through church without a peep. She slept for a while, but also sat beside mommy in the pew playing with her chicken. "Infantino" toys are just the best. Allie has played with the same rattling, crinkling, and jingling, cow, chiken, and pig since she was about 5 weeks old. Chicken used to be a mere visual stimulant. But now, his bright, crackly wings serve as a extra crispy chicken teethers. Which reminds me of how simular baby and puppy toys really are...

Allie presently naps peacefully in Grandmamma's pack'n'play. She'll be up and ready to play again soon. Oh the moment to moment excitement when you're a rather new person.

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