I used to think Allie favored Meg Ryan a little (She does in some pictures!!) But since this recent photo, I'm not sure who her celebrity dopple ganger would be...
OK... that picture of Gollum looked much cuter at 2:30 in the morning. I am removing it remorsefully. Thanks for the perspective Amy ;)
Not much to do in Madison on Labor Day. So, " pip and pop" it was, or Slip and Slide as everyone but Allie knows it. 10 yards of pallet wrap, a garbage can lid, a watering hose, along with willing 2 year old; and we became a living Jeff Foxworthy joke.
The "Tilt-a-Slip" was daddy's brain child (an engineer with an unwitting participant can be dangerous)
The beagle-riding wasn't part of the planned activities...